Water & Earth Technologies, Inc. (WET) is an water resources and environmental engineering firm dedicated to providing proven solutions to our many domestic and international clients.
We offer over 100 years of combined experience and expertise in solving your water resources and environmental engineering challenges. As technology continues to advance the way environmental engineering projects are designed and managed, our team of skilled engineers and field technicians are constantly applying new efficient technologies along with experience gained from projects of the of past.
Over the years we have developed a diverse nation wide network of Project Partners that have worked together on projects of all types and sizes in multiple locations throughout the Americas.
Because of our strong subcontract management skills, We can offer a well-integrated team that provides an unsurpassed technical skill set for highly specialized projects in specific geographic areas.

Water Resources Engineering
Surface and Ground Water Hydrology
Surface and Ground Water Quality
Water Quality and Limnology
Water Monitoring Networks and System
Stream Restoration
Soil Conservation Planning
Hydraulic Structure Design
Erosion and Sediment Control
Storm Water Control and Conveyance
Monitoring Networks
Flood Warning Systems
Wetland Hydrology

River Mechanics
Mining Engineering
Water Quality Solutions
Wetlands Reclamation
Geo-technical Engineering
Air Quality Testing
Aquatic Biology Solutions
Terrestrial Ecology
Soils and Vegetation Reclamation
and numerous other disciplines.

Project Cost Consultancy
Project Design and Planning
Project Permitting
Project Management
Project Construction
Environmental Impact Assessment
Data Acquisition and Analysis
Real Time Telemetry
Database Management
Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
CAD Services
WET provides complete project management from the design of the monitoring network through radio licensing, installation, and long-term maintenance.
WET utilizes programmable dataloggers to measure water levels in streams, lakes, evaporation pans, and wells. We deploy sensors that monitor temperature, precipitation, wind, relative humidity, barometric pressure, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, and other environmental parameters. These remotely sensed parameters are communicated using either ALERT or SCADA telemetry protocols. Data from remote stations are received at a central site for processing, analysis, and archival.
WET also has experience installing automated sampling equipment for hydrologic and water quality monitoring for regulatory permitting.