Water Resource Monitoring
WET has experience in water quality sampling and analysis and the design, planning, installation, operation, and maintenance of monitoring networks. Our experience combined with our engineering and hydraulic expertise allows us to design and install systems to meet specific monitoring needs. WET professionals have more than 50 years of combined installation and operational experience that has been achieved by working on monitoring projects throughout the continental United States, Alaska, Canada and Central and South America.
WET has experience with steady and unsteady flow modeling using Army Corp of Engineer Software HEC-RAS, to evaluate channel hydraulics and structure impact.
WET Surface Water Monitoring Services:
Design and installation of stream, weather, precipitation, and water quality monitoring networks
Real time environmental sampling
Water quality sampling
Discharge measurement
Development of hydraulic ratings
Hydraulic modeling
Water quality modeling
Hydrology, floodplain, and watershed studies
Environmental data management and reporting using relational databases
GIS and mapping support for water quality studies
Self-contained, computerized dataloggers form the core of WET’s approach to water monitoring. We have used solid-state electronics to measure water levels in streams, lakes, and wells. Temperature, precipitation, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity and other environmental parameters can be recorded as well. At predetermined intervals, data are returned from the field and read at WET or at our client’s facilities by a computerized system that transfers digital data electronically. Several projects have included real-time telemetry (one- and two-way radio, satellite, microwave, cellular). This included installation of base stations and in many cases repeaters. Data reduction is virtually instantaneous. Electronic transfer of data completely eliminates the potential for transcription errors. These monitoring systems can be easily expanded to incorporate real-time data collection and transfer via telemetry.