Storm Water Management
The WET team has successfully developed storm water management strategies including: programs for lowering stream/river bank erosion, minimizing over-bank flooding, protection of water quality and flood alert systems for helping to reduce property loss.
We utilize an extensive group of tools in helping ready our clients for any issue that may arise due to severe weather or seasonal flooding.
Our Flood Hazard Inventory Tool is a customized ArcMap interface and a SQL database that allows our clients to spatially inventory structures with flooding risk such as:
Bridges, culverts, homes, and businesses.
Historical record consisting of photos, hydraulic reports, engineering studies, and as-built documents
Query structures by flood risk
Overlay other spatial data such as ALERT networks, DFIRM data, and historical storm events
Flood response planning focused on those areas with the highest risk
Allows for the development of alarm thresholds at critical location