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Erosion and Sediment Control


Water & Earth Technologies, Inc. (WET) specializes in designing plans to control surface runoff and erosion.  We use erosion and sediment control models, including RUSLE and SEDCAD, to design these plans and to demonstrate their effectiveness.  Our Team has developed and implemented programs for disturbed and reclaimed areas to evaluate erosion potential and sediment production, stream dynamics (of both natural and altered stream channels), and the implementation and effectiveness of Best Management Practices (BMPs). 

BMP Categories

  • runoff/run-on collection

  • soil stabilization

  • slope stabilization

  • seeding and revegetation

  • overburden handling

  • range management

  • sediment runoff

We have established practical BMP implementation standards and performance effectiveness criteria for each of these categories, including methods for conducting on-site erosion inventories, BMP field inspection, and BMP performance evaluation and effectiveness ranking to numerically assess the level of effectiveness attained at the mine, and to track BMP effectiveness trends.  This information has proven to be extremely useful in developing and adjusting BMP application and use in subsequent mining and reclamation activities.

BMP Design

  • Terraces

  • Diversion Channels

  • Check Dams

  • Sediment Ponds

  • Downdrains

  • Riprap

  • Silt Fences

  • Grass Filters

  • Culverts

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